Home of the Harbingers of Defeat Mercenary Unit Home of the Harbingers of Defeat Mercenary Unit

Command Structure


The Commanding Officer and founder of HOD is HOD-Leader.

S-1 Officer

HOD-3 is responsible for the financial administration and cares for everything concerned with personell like salary payment, organization of leaves, recruitment of needed personell etc. and Public Relations.

S-2 Officer

HOD-2 is concerned with military intelligence (knowledge about enemy units, theis tactics etc.) and security issues regarding HOD (counter-intelligence as well as guarding the property of the unit).

S-3 Officer

In case the C-in-C is incapacitated HOD-4 takes over command of the unit.

HOD-4 plans, controls and supervises operations as well as the strategically orientation and development of HOD. In this role he works closely with HOD-Leader.

S-4 Officer

HOD-3's duty additionally to that of S1-Officer is the managment of all activities and the organizational needs of supply and maintenance. He is the supervisor of all support personell (like Techs) HOD employs.

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No BattleMechs were harmed in the making of this website.
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2007/02/02  61790